A Moral Compass

This week the Africa Legal podcast series is in Nigeria for a conversation with Bisi Adeyemi, Chief Executive of DCSL Corporate Services.

Bisi and Africa Legal chat about how an in-house legal team can be the moral compass for a business and why being accountable is the key to good governance.

Bisi says her role at DCSL has shown her how important it is for those in leadership roles to keep flexible and to be ready to embrace accountability especially during times of turbulence.

The challenges of the last year, especially, have seen some businesses emerge stronger and more robust as they developed new ways of servicing clients.

Bisi explains how DCSL has its roots in multinational audit and accounting but that it has grown to become a niche firm focussed on providing exceptional governance, legal and corporate services. The firm is now quintessentially African - and Nigerian - and is an example of how a business can evolve and develop to fit changing client needs.

On a personal note, she tells us how many years working as an inhouse company secretary with a multi-national dredging taught her how to keep independent in times of boardroom turbulence and to always “maintain the middle lane and keep a very professional manner” when battles are underway.

It was during difficult times, she says, that she learned that the inhouse legal function provides the moral compass of the business and is where everyone looks for advice and guidance.

Bisi chats about how law firms have made the transition to virtual offices with some falling by the way as they were incapable of operating in the virtual space.

One of the services offered by DCSL has been training webinars which have been extremely successful during the global lockdowns.

Bisi says she is still working from home but missing the office and social and professional stimulation of her colleagues.

When Tom asks Bisi what advice she would give her younger self, she offers a lovely moment of introspection. To hear her answer go to Soundcloud, Spotify or ApplePodcasts.

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