Reflections of a Female Future
Images of women working in law in Africa have now been published online as part of a global photo shoot celebrating the contribution women will make to the law in the next 100 years.
The photographs were taken in Cape Town in March to mark International Women’s Day with Africa Legal and South African law firm Webber Wentzel hosting the opportunity for the legal profession to show their support for gender equality.
#FaceTheFuture |The Next 100 Years is a project run by Next 100 Years, a campaign based in the UK that has the goal of sharing the achievements of women in law both in the past and what they are likely to do in the future. The intention is to shape a more equal and diverse future for the profession.
Africa Legal co-founder, Wendy Bampton, explained that the “Next 100 Years” initiative was a follow-on to “The First 100 Years” which celebrated a centenary of women in law in 2019. Both initiatives were set up by Spark21, a charity founded to celebrate, inform and inspire future generations of women in the profession.
“This is not just about women but also for men to acknowledge and celebrate a diverse and equal society,” she said.
Webber Wentzel’s Paula Youens said that it was inspiring to study the faces of the women and men featured in the exhibition. “There is determination and courage in the eyes of every person photographed. These are the people who are all playing a part in building a society rooted in justice and peace.”
The #FaceTheFuture exhibition can be viewed virtually here.
You can find out more about the campaign and its background here

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